One day a scarecrow hung on a wooden stick. His name was Frank. People called him Frankie. Frankie had a dream. He wished to see the world.
One day Frankie fell of his stick. He could walk and talk. What if Farmer Brown saw him? He tried to get back on. He couldn’t.
He went to hide. Good Farmer Brown didn’t see him. He started on his journey. He went to a dessert. He found a lonely camel.
He started to ride it like the wind across the sandy dessert. He found a couple of poor men. He fed them corn, bread and eggs. Then he found another couple of men burning a fire. He ran away from them because he was afraid of fire.
He crossed the dessert and saw a stream. He started to drink from it. It was good and cold. He saw large mountains. He climbed them.
He reached the top of the mountain. He was happy. He saw the world. He was on top of Mt. Everest. He climbed down.
But he didn’t know how. He said that he shouldn’t have climbed Mt. Everest. A bird came swooping down. Her name was Viola. She said she would help him get down the big mountain.
He got to the bottom. He was embarrassed because he needed help. He thanked the bird. She had already left. He went past the men burning a fire.
He passed the poor men. He got out of the dessert. He went to the barn. He ran to the stick. He climbed on the stick.
Then he fell asleep. The next morning he remembered his adventure in the night. Then he did his duty. He loved his night. He would never forget that day.
The End.
Wow Sindhu!
What a great adventure Frankie had! I wish I could do all those that Frankie did.
Very interesting stories! Keep up the good work.
Hey... A Thriller first, an Adventure next! Trying your hand in all genre, eh? Cool going!!!
This is a very nice story and Frankie seems to a well-mannered scare-crow!
Why don't you post some of your drawings too? Maybe you can illustrate your stories!!
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